Thursday, 8 October 2009

Further correspondence from the PCT

After asking for clarification on the impending re-instatement of an IVF service for us unfortunates living in a home with a North Yorkshire postcode, Gill Fox made this statement...

From April 2010, this PCT along with the other 13 PCTs in the Yorkshire & Humber Specialised Commissioning Group, will adhere to a collaborative policy around assisted conception services. This PCT has also agreed that, from that date, all eligible couples will be able to access 1 NHS funded cycle of IVF/ICSI providing they meet eligibility criteria. The age parameters for access will be as per NICE guidance.

As part of on-going discussions, differing PCT eligibility criteria are currently being re-assessed so that all PCTs can sign up to an agreed set, thus helping to dispel any suggestion of a post-code lottery. I have been actively involved in these discussions and I do not anticipate very much change from the present criteria around age of patient(s), previous children by this or other relationships etc although there will be some minor adjustments.

Until April 2010, NYY PCT continues not to routinely commission IVF/ICSI unless the female partner is 39 years and 6 months of age or it is a case of exceptional clinical need. At some point in early 2010, all GPs and consultants will receive further information on the new policy and criteria together with reiteration of referral guidelines.

So there we have it - exact eligibility has not yet been confirmed, but it should mean that a much greater number of couples will now be able to access IVF treatment. They are still some way off meeting NICE and Government targets for proper levels of provision for the service though, but it is a step in the right direction.

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