Tuesday 6 October 2009

Extract from North Yorks NHS board meeting - recommencement of IVF...

So... We have it, in black and white. Finally our wonderful PCT has taken its first tentative steps back on the IVF ladder. At some point in the future they may reach the dizzy heights of meeting NICE guidelines and providing the three courses that are recommended.

Still, it is a start.

10. Provision of Sub- fertility Service
The IVF service was not commissioned from February 2007 and treatment stopped as a result in May 2007. At this point there was a waiting list of patients for 2 years. There were 200 on the list and this has reduced naturally to 100. There is a difficulty with patients meeting the 18/52 waiting list targets and 36/52 would fit the provision of the service better due to the timings and delivery of treatment. There is £400 – 500k left in the funding presently and Gill Fox posed the question to the meeting of whether to commence the service now or to wait until April 2010. It was agreed that the services would be commissioned in April 2010. There would be an exception for patients who were 39 and would have the chance to go through one cycle before they were 40 or patients who had exceptional medical/clinical need.

There was a statement going to be published in the Sunday Telegraph from David Cockayne regarding NHSNYY funding 1 IVF cycle from April 2010 to patients who met the criteria.

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