Thursday, 15 January 2009

Finally - a response from Jayne Brown, Interim CE of North Yorkshire and York PCT

In September 2008 we forwarded this Blog and the list of comments everyone kindly left. Almost four months later they decided to respond. Of course it is not good news and we had already found out for ourselves (and posted here) regarding the current situation.


Dear Mr and Mrs (Postcode Losers)

Thank you for your email dated 23 September 2008 with regard to IVF and sub fertility services, and for enclosing a copy/print out of your blog, which I have read with interest. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you.

As you are aware, in May 2007, the PCT took the very difficult decision not to routinely commission assisted conception services for the majority of couples (other than those where the female partner was approaching 39 years and 6 months) and at that point, the waiting list held by Leeds General Infirmary was closed to new patients. We do regret that this is a far from ideal situation but unfortunately, as Janet Soo Chung's letter to all patients pointed out, it was felt necessary to take this action in the face of the severe financial deficit which the PCT faced at that time.

Since then, I am pleased to report that the financial situation has improved and we have now been able to re-assess the situation for financial year 2009/10 with regard to funding of assisted conception services. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to re-open the waiting list to new patients. However, we have been able to agree to treat all those patients who were placed on the Leeds General Infirmary NHS waiting list on or before May 2007. From next month onwards, patients will begin to be called through in priority order of having been placed on the waiting list for a review clinic outpatient appointment with a view to treatment following as soon as clinically appropriate.

Once all the waiting list patients have been treated, the PCT will review the position with regard to whether or not new patients can once again be added to the waiting list.

You may be interested to know that two senior members of PCT staff recently met with Clare Lewis-Jones, Chief Executive of Infertility Network UK, for a full and open discussion about infertility services for North Yorkshire patients.

I hope you find this information helpful, however if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Jayne Brown OBE
Interim Chief Executive

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