Friday, 29 August 2008

A response from North Yorkshire and York PCT

Earlier this week I wrote about the Government's letter to all PCTs regarding their provision of IVF and other assisted fertility treatments. I said I would be speaking to our PCT and I finally managed to get through to the right person yesterday (name withheld). I was told that they have yet to receive the letter, although they are aware of it.

The person I spoke to about it was very candid and open about their position and said they would have to wait until they receive the letter, read through the details of the proposal in full and decide on a way of implementing things. She was quick to admit that it will take some time before things can be changed and that we should not expect any quick decisions.

So, here we are, still not even able to get onto a waiting list, never mind get any treatment. The PCT will not even give us a target date for the re-provision of the service. This is simply because our PCT overspent so wastefully and shamefully which led to them withdrawing a treatment that the Government and NICE have repeatedly said should be provided on the NHS. This is also in spite of them being aware that the Health Minister has, just this week, written to them again to tell them they should be providing a full three cycles of IVF including frozen embryo provision. But what do residents under the juristiction of North Yorkshire and York PCT get? A new car park at York hospital.

The comment I found particularly surprising was 'I will be the happiest person in the world when I can tell couples they can have IVF treatment in North Yorkshire'. Somehow I do not think she will be happier than the people being told they no longer have to find countless thousands of pounds to fund the treatment that 95% of the UK gets access to on the NHS.

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