Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Public oration by Professor Allan Templeton

Professor Allan Templeton is delivering a public oration entitled 'Human Infertility in the 21st Century' at the York Medical Society Rooms, 23 Stonegate, York on Friday 3rd Ocober 2008 at 2pm.

If you would like to attend, please call 01904 750 791 or email yms@york-medical-society.freeserve.co.uk to inform them of your attendance.

The oration will not be addressing any of the local issues regarding North Yorkshire and York PCT's position on funding for IVF, but I am sure it may be helpful for anyone who is about to, or is currently undergoing, IVF treatment.

Regarding the funding issue, the latest we have heard is that the PCT's financial situation is not as positive as it had hoped at this stage, but it is still awaiting re-evaluation by North Yorkshire and York PCT's Chief Executive Janet Soo-Chung.

Let's hope she has read the letter sent to her by the Government's Health Minister, Dawn Primarolo over a month ago.

Friday, 12 September 2008

No news is bad news

It is over two weeks since we emailed every member of North Yorkshire and York PCT's Clinical Leadership Programme with details of our situation and giving them the list of comments left on our petition.

Not one person, not a single solitary person had the good grace to reply to us, to give us feedback on the current situation.

It is one thing being in this dreadful position in the first place, but it is another thing entirely for every member of the team charged with running our PCT to completely ignore us.

It sums up just what these people think about dealing with the public they are paid to serve.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

The report of shame

I have just come across this interesting report (you can download the full report at the bottom of the article) - it was completed on 23 June 2008 and shows just what IVF provision each of the nation's PCTs offers. It seems that us in the North Yorkshire and York PCT area really are the poor relations when it comes to the provision.

We really do not see how our PCT can sit back and do nothing - surely they must feel ashamed that almost every other PCT across England offers at least one cycle of treatment.

In fact, the exact wording of their statement shows that the treatment they may offer is even more restrictive than they have led us to believe - they say they have a 'financial contingency for patients on waiting list reaching age 39 who are deemed exceptional'. So - they told us they will treat women between 39.5 years old and their 40th birthday OR in exceptional circumstances when, in fact, they MAY treat them if they decide the circumstances are acceptable.

So the tiny crack in their creaking window has been pushed shut even more.

North Yorkshire and York PCT - you should be ashamed of your inaction.